With the hibernation season officially over, it's time for us humans to emerge from our caves— err, homes— and see what work Old Man Winter has left for us. Sometimes, this can be a bit of grueling process, especially if harsh weather has taken a toll on your deck, roofing, or siding. There are other types of springtime home improvement; however, that are downright enjoyable for the whole family. Finding a happy medium between those odd jobs that need to get done and the ones you want to get started is part of what spring is all about. So, here are some tips to help your home bounce back from winter and stay sharp for summer!
#1: Maintenance and Repair Jobs
Assuming you took all the proper precautions back in autumn, the winter may not have affected your house too much, especially if you're lucky enough to live in a more temperate climate. Nonetheless, it's always critically important to make all the proper rounds in the spring, to check that every part of your home's exterior is still functioning as it should be. As a part of this effort, set up appointments with a home contractor or professional specialists (roofers, electricians, plumbers, etc.) who can thoroughly examine your house and handle any major repairs that may be needed. Roofing, gutters, downspouts, and siding are especially prone to damage in the winter, so keep an eye out for any leaks or blockages, as well any possible cracking or decay. Remember, it's getting warmer out there every day, too, so it's time to switch the home heating over to air conditioning. Your local HVAC contractor is more than happy to help get your system running properly, which you'll really appreciate when that first summer scorcher arrives.
#2: Handyman Jobs
There's never really a bad time to put a repair job in the hands of a professional. The question is, what sort of professional can get the job done? Some homeowners have picked up enough maintenance skills to handle many elements of exterior “spring cleaning” on their own, while others call on a local handyman service to handle odd jobs like a small painting project, gutter cleaning, weather proofing, and fence repair. These smaller home improvement jobs are as much a part of spring as budding flowers and Opening Day. But while the DIY approach can be a great way to spend an April afternoon, the last thing you want is to find yourself making the very same repairs a year from now. While it might cost a little more (and not that much, when you consider the cost of supplies), hiring a handyman to pressure wash your deck or fix a damaged door is a smart investment, and it will relieve a lot of unnecessary stress that comes with trying to tackle a project on your own.
#3: Getting Creative
Some people look at lawn mowing as a chore, but for many homeowners, the smell of fresh cut grass is one of the best things about the return of spring. Home landscaping offers all sorts of possibility for creativity and fun, not just in terms of having a great looking yard, but for truly transforming your property into a springtime hotspot. This type of work can range from the planting of a beautiful garden to the construction of a new patio or deck. Home contractors and landscaping specialists are well equipped to help you bring any backyard vision to life. Maybe you want your spring and summer cookouts to include a firepit, or even a fountain or swimming pool to help cool things down. By combining your family's own decorative and imaginative efforts with the keen eye and hands of a professional, there's no limit to what you can do during a simple springtime redesign.
From all of us at SignatureForum, thanks for reading this Home Improvement Newsletter. We'll be back next month with more home services tips that can help you stay ahead in an ever-changing industry. For more home improvement advice, you can always read SignatureForum's Home Services Blog, or to schedule a consultation with a home contractor near you, don't hesitate to Contact Us today.
Until Next Time,
The SignatureForum Staff
1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, Illinois 60201