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Wood Siding

Wood Siding

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While often regarded as the classier, more aesthetically pleasing choice in home exteriors, wood siding can also be impressively durable and efficient. Of course, sustaining the appearance of any type of wood siding will require a little dedication from the homeowner, but the visual benefits and the increased value of a wood-sided home may make it worth your effort.


There are many types of lumber and designs utilized in wood siding, giving you a wide range of options to match your personal interests and the aesthetics of your home and surrounding environment. Lap siding, or "clapboard," is used for horizontal siding, and might be made from pine, redwood, fir, or a number of other naturally attractive and weather resistant woods. Wood can also be used for shingle siding or "shakes," which normally use cedar to create a natural looking, low-maintenance variation of wood siding. Whatever style you choose, wood gives you endless options in color via painting and staining, and because wood is a renewable resource, it makes for a good environmental choice, as well.


While wood siding can last a very long time and bring a sense of class and character to a home, it also is vulnerable to obvious factors like rot, insect infestation, peeling paint, and fire damage. The necessary upkeep for wood is pretty substantial, including paints, stains, and thorough wood treatments every few years. So, while initial wood siding costs may be only slightly more than vinyl siding, the costs over the life of the wood will be substantially more.

Whether you're interested in wood clapboard siding, wood shingle siding, or any other timber-based technique, the key factor is a willingness to maintain the look and quality of the wood over time. This effort will, in turn, help solidify the strength and efficiency of the siding, making it comparable to vinyl, brick, stucco, or any other popular siding material.

Wood Siding Costs Information


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