Verify that you're choosing an insured contractor
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What should I ask my contractor? Be sure you're choosing a legitimate professional contractor Is the contractor licensed? Ask how long the contractor has been in business. Check for Certification Request a list of references. Don't make a hiring decision based solely on low price. You're not the only one doing the qualifying! Ask the references the right questions. DO NOT be afraid to speak up. Home Remodeling Gift Cards from SignatureForum How to Spot a Scam ContractorWorking with an insured contractor is a critical requirement for any home or business owner. You'll want to be sure you're protected if any injuries or accidents occur on your property. If a project fails or any damage is done to your property, the insured contractor, again, is the only one who would be able to provide you with financial coverage.
The types of insurance that a contractor should have include Comprehensive Liability, Worker's Compensation, and Completed Operations Insurance. A contractor might also carry something like health or vehicle insurance, but these alone don't suffice for full contractors insurance.
You should ensure the validity of a contractor's insurance by having the certificate mailed to you directly from the insurance office or by calling the insurance company to verify coverage. Also, check the dates of the certificate to make sure the coverage is current.
Contact us toll free at 866.355.7164 for more ideas and assistance in making the right contractor choice.