Don't make a hiring decision based solely on low price.
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What should I ask my contractor? Be sure you're choosing a legitimate professional contractor Verify that you're choosing an insured contractor Is the contractor licensed? Ask how long the contractor has been in business. Check for Certification Request a list of references. You're not the only one doing the qualifying! Ask the references the right questions. DO NOT be afraid to speak up. Home Remodeling Gift Cards from SignatureForum How to Spot a Scam ContractorHome and business owners with negative contractor experiences most oftem claim they chose the contractor because they offered the lowest bid. Save yourself the fustration by not immediately jumping at these bids. Look closely at the estimates offered to you, examining the value associated with them. Break down the estimate, comparing costs for materials, labor, etc. Consider these differences and the different standards contractors might have, or the importance they place on quality. Measure them against your priorities to see whether each contractor can meet your goals.
The time spent on ensuring that you're making the right contractor choice for the right reasons will pay off in the value of quality, long-lasting work.