Bathroom Toilets
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Toilets don't tend to come in radically different forms, but there are some key variables that you'll have to select from, such as round fronts versus elongated fronts, and one-piece toilets versus the less stylish but often more affordable two piece toilet. You'll also want to know the length and width of the toilet's base, in order to determine how it will fit into a designated area of your bathroom. The last thing you want is to have your toilet too close to a sink or tub. The goal is comfort, free range movement, and preferably, plenty of space between all bathroom fixtures.
The large majority of toilets bowls and tanks are still made of porcelain, but lids are regular made from other materials, particularly wood. The traditional white toilet bowl is still a safe bet in most cases, too, but variations are more than welcome to stay in line with a bathroom remodeling theme. A good rule, though, is not to have a toilet that stands out from its surroundings. It might be the most important part of your bathroom, but it doesn't actually have to look like a throne! That being said, there are luxury features worth considering for your toilet, including built-in bidets, auto-flushes, and heated seats. Just be ready to pay the extra cash for the hotel caliber treatment.